Friday, October 06, 2006

lock up - shibuya

OK, so i'm in good old Japan now and have been here for the last 4 weeks (well a month officially on monday)
Its been great so far...a few minor bumps with things like conversation and some shopping but most of the time its all good and i've got such nice and helpful friends that it doesn't seem that much diffrence to England.
We went out for a friends birthday at the lockup in Shibuya Tokyo and i have to say that its one of the best themed restaurants ive ever been to!
You get scared on your way in to get into the main restaurant...sort of like a haunted house of horrors and then our birthday boy got handcuffed and released into our 'cell' which consisited of a large table where we would be having all you could drink for several hours at a set price.

During your meal the lights suddenly go out and creepy noises are played throughout the restaurant, nmen dressed up in horror costumes will then come and scare you...which in my opinion was the most funny part of the night!!! The photos that we have really do prove it.

Unfortunately because all the trains finish so early (around midnight) we missed our last train home and spent the next four or five hours trying not to sleep at another all you can drink place in Machida.
I eventually got home at 5.40am and needless to say..i feel pretty tired today and slightly depressed ( most probably due to the lack of sleep and lack of money i have right now)

The typhoon which was here for the last two days has also cleared up which has made me a little more happier then usual...seriously it was so miserable when your always wet and having to travel to univeristy. I have barely any dry jeans!!!

Studying has become part of my fun saturdays in Tokyo and like everyweek, ive got a bout 4 or 5 pages to memorise and digest before my first class next week, i guess some things have just got to be done.


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